About Linens Etc.
About Linens Etc. Massage Table Linens
For 25 years now, Gail Larsen with her daughters Amy & Laura, have been producing massage table linens made from flannel cotton for customers across Canada. Her business had its beginnings when a friend with a massage practice was looking for a source of massage table coverings in a lavender color and made of flannel, and Gail said " I could make those for you!" Thanks Gwen! From that first order to her latest orders, she always keeps her customers and their clients in mind when making her top quality comfy flannel sheets and sheet sets.
Located in the small community of Devon, Alberta, Linens etc. ships its products across Canada. With her online presence and new store open, Gail hopes to expand her business to points around the world and bring high quality massage table linens to clients wherever the want them.
Flannel Massage Table Sheets Made In Canada
Keep clients warm, comfortable, covered and cozy with our unique selection of massage sheets. These flannel massage sheets and face cradle covers are sized specifically for your professional massage or treatment table. Our massage spa sheets and face cradle covers are soft and comfortable for your massage therapy patients. Create an inviting, cozy and warm treatment table by using massage flannel sheets.